Know Your Wellness Why
I’m thrilled you’re here with me. This moment marks the beginning of our journey toward a successful year—and a lifetime of wellness!
Why focus on wellness? It’s the cornerstone of all the achievements we aspire to. I truly comprehended its importance after experiencing a challenging period in my life. Losing my well-being propelled me to seek it back with vigor. Your “why” might differ from mine, but the first step to wellness is recognizing your motivation. Once you grasp your reason for prioritizing wellness, you take charge of your transformation. This realization enables you to shift from merely coping with each day to genuinely thriving in your wellness journey. Remember, mindfulness is key!
Author Scott Colman quotes the World Health Organization describing wellness as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” After careful reflection, I embraced wellness as my lifestyle choice. According to Pfizer’s health and wellness site, wellness results from individual efforts that cultivate a flourishing life. We all yearn to fill our lives with joy, love, fulfillment, and satisfaction, ultimately striving to establish a life rich in balanced wellness.
Essential components of this thriving lifestyle include:
social connections
So, how on earth do we achieve this? After identifying what truly matters, let’s commit to showing ourselves kindness. We must embrace mistakes as part of our growth in our unique Olive Tree & Grace Wellness journey!
Do you want to start building beautiful wellness habits? Check out this Wellness Challenge for you!
References: Scott Colman, Author at Human Spaces.